How to do pull ups

How to do pull ups

How to do pull ups

Don’t worry about technique, or gaining strength for your left hand, but try to do pull ups using only your left hand to better coordinate it. Doing one hand pull up is very difficult, but don’t worry, anybody can do a one hand pull up with a handicap.

If you have a pull up bar, or any sort of apparatus that copies the use of a pull up bar, then use it, along with a chair. You are going to stand on a chair that is high enough for you to crotch down below the pull up bar, then to stand up again, by using the force of your knees and left arm.

Stop when you are feeling stress in your left arm, then take a break, and then do more. Keep repeating this, until you feel any tiredness for your left arm.

  1. Bicep curls
  2. How to do a push up