How to do chin up

How to do chin up

How to do chin up

Don’t worry about technique, or gaining strength for your left arm, but try to do chin ups using mainly your using only your left arm , and 2 knees. The goal of this exercise is to better coordinate your left arm.

Get a chin up bar or any apparatus that is like a chin up bar, and also get a chair. The chair will act as a handicap for doing this exercise. You are going to be on a chair that is high enough for you to crotch below the chin up bar, while having your left hand holding on the chin up bar at a 180 degree position, then you are going to lift yourself up, to standing position using your knee and left hand

Stop when you are feeling stress in your left arm, then take a break, and then do more. Keep repeating this, until you feel any tiredness for your left arm.

If you wonder what a chin up position is, this is it.

Image result for chin up
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